Data Science - Internship

Datum objave: 03.01.2019.
AtlantBH Sarajevo
Ovo je stariji oglas za posao i moguće je da više nije važeći. Listu aktivnih oglasa za poslove pogledajte ovdje. Napomena: Većina kompanija je u stalnoj potrazi za novim kadrovima pa možete poslati CV i na ovaj oglas kako bi vas evidentirali i razmotrili prijavu.
Data Science

The internship will focus on state-of-the-art machine learning techniques, applying data mining and building prediction systems. By using a combination of scientific and software engineering knowledge, the intern will have the chance to manage and deep dive into large volumes of data.

In the last phase of the Internship, we will focus on turning tasks that the intern worked on, into a product that can be used by the end-user.


Mentor - Each intern will be paired with a mentor who will provide guidance to ensure the successful completion of the allocated project.

Feedback - The intern will have the opportunity to present their work on a monthly basis to receive feedback on various aspects of their work.

Presentations - Each month experienced engineers from Atlantbh will hold presentations for interns. Topics will cover technologies and practices they use on daily basis.

Deadline for submitting the application is Monday, January 7th, 2019.
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