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Sentry Cybersecurity

Cyber Academy
Sentry is a cybersecurity company providing NIST and OWASP Compliant Security Testing as well as cutting edge enterprise protection and specialized development in order to strengthen cybersecurity posture  for products, services, and infrastructure with legal entities in USA California, Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina. 
Founded in 2017, the company is established in SEE – with a presence in the United States comprised of Specialized Engineers, Former Military / Navy SEALS Personnel, and Former US Government Officials. Sentry provides cutting edge cybersecurity services in Financial, Govtech, and Critical Information Infrastructure Industries.

Our Services

  • Security Testing
    24/7 Adversarial Simulation  |  Penetration Testing
    Sentry provides NIST and OWASP Compliant Security Testing as well as cutting edge approaches to threat modeling and adversarial simulations in order to strengthen cybersecurity posture for products, services, and infrastructure.

  • Enterprise Cyber Protection
    Managed Security Services  |  System Integration
    Our Enterprise Protection suite is optimized for monitoring, detecting, and isolating incidents as well as the management of the organization’s security products, network devices, end-user devices, and systems.

  • Specialized Blockchain Solutions
    Blockchain Solutions  |  Software Development
    With an experienced team of full-stack blockchain developers, Sentry provides custom smart contracts development services for different enterprises as well as extensive dynamic and static security testing and review.

  • Capacity Building
    Cyber Academy  |  Cyberlance | LMS | The Hackers Boot CAMP | Cyber Awareness
    Last several years as a result of market demand for capacity building in the cybersecurity field, Sentry team developed an extensive Cyber Academy program (https://cyberacademy.co) along with a Cyberlance simulation platform and LMS with advanced capabilities. Sentry team can support any organization in efforts to create a safe and secure digital environment based on their needs and threats.