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Sarajevo Dobrinjske bolnice 16
Objavljeni podaci o kompanijama su rezultat javno dostupnih informacija prikupljenih na oficijelnim web stranicama i social profilima navedenih kompanija. IT Base u potpunosti ne garantuje za tačnost navedenih podataka, te ukoliko primijetite neke nepravilnosti kontaktirajte nas putem emaila info@itbase.ba.

Također budite slobodni da nas kontaktirate ukoliko raspolažete dodatnim informacijama kako bi što bolje predstavili navedenu kompaniju našoj zajednici.
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Misija:Web provides consulting, web and app solutions for clients across the globe. Since 2007., we have created websites, applications, portals, e-commerce solutions, CRM and other web based software for clients across the world.

And while we have evolved significantly and have welcomed the changes that come with growth, there is one thing that hasn't changed - our passion for design and development.

Designs inspire, excite and amaze us, even today; and perhaps it is this child-like passion that reflects in our work and makes us what we are today. Misija:Web is in a unique position to address all your digital requirements.