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Mostar Dr. Ante Starčevića 48
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IT Odjel

IT Odjel is programming company founded in 2013 and its basic goal was to become new software force and recognizable brand on the market. Ninety percent of our resources is directed strictly to development of innovative software solutions, mobile first frontends for health, local government, state agencies, ministries, as well as small and medium companies.


Mission of IT Odjel is to ensure productivity increasement, as well as increasement of business effectivity of our clients through high quality software solutions at reasonable cost.


IT Odjel tends to become global software company dedicated to software development and business management advancement.


IT Odjel team is formed of young, motivated professionals and engineers, joined in their tendencies to be innovative. Delegation and organization of project teams is formed through Agile development methodology, which guarantees flexible and scalable work and development.