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Sarajevo Maglajska 1
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Your box, just got bigger.

Have you heard about common phrase 'think outside the box', as notion that we should open our mind for new ideas and new solutions, and in order to do so, we should stop for a moment and think about solutions that are unimaginable.

Well, this is not how things function in the world of programmers code. Our world is set in rules of codes, dashes, slashes, backslashes, lines, numbers, figures, points. There you know procedures and you follow them in order to get functional, operational and efficient results.

But beyond ones and zeroes, what makes code is how author, designer, programmer rethinks it, use its potential, and challenges borders and digits, in order to make better solutions. We use the code to bring you new ideas and open up new horizonts in programming, analytics, web and application design, to show you: there is a lot more inside that box. If you want to try this approach... your box, just got bigger. With DASH-